1062 Triplett Blvd.
Akron, OH 44306
8:00am - 4:00pm
Name Company Name Address Date Phone Email Contact Preference PhoneEmail Type of Good ValvePartOther Valve, Product or Part Number Valve/Product Serial/Job Number (Only applicable if returning a valve or Product assembly) Date Shipped Customer PO# Qty Returning Reason for Return ***All RGA Returns are to be shipped back within 30 days of invoice date*** All returns are subject to a 35% restock fee Requirements All the following requirements must be met in order to receive credit for return goods RGA Form must be included with your valve/partBox must be clearly labeled with your claim number you received after submissionAll RGA request are subject to inspection upon arrival to ensure product is in new like condition Once this has been completed and deemed accepted a credit minus restocking fee will be issued.
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